We Work On:

  • performing a digital calculation and energy audit of how aligned the energy of your business/business idea and your current manifestation are
  • identifying and eliminating possible mental, energy, and money blocks that impede your successful financial accomplishments
  • unlocking your potential to the fullest
  • elaborating individual tests to assess professional suitability and energy compatibility of your staff and partners; conducting group sessions and meetings with the company’s top managers (if necessary)
  • energy business/mastermind
  • providing an integrative approach to the structure of your business, analysing partners and competitors
  • calculating and dissecting the digital and energy matrices of your new business idea
  • inviting an unlimited financial flow and unleashing your energy potential
  • learning about the law of the financial energetic exchange and managing the energy of money
  • setting real financial goals, breaking the financial ceiling, expanding financial capacity
  • analysing your space to identify any energy faults and geopathogenic areas at your work location, designing and installing a matrix harmoniser to achieve right and balanced energy flows
Addresses offline

Russia, Moscow, 123557, Presnensky Val 21
Indonesia, Bali, 80571, Tegalantang, Ubud,Jl. Sri Wedari No.66, PARQ
USA, 27th Street, Miami, FL, 3127, WeWork Office Space
Public offer
Should you have any questions, contact me at - razakova.mentor@gmail.com
RazakovA Yana. All rights reserved.