We Work On:
  • unlocking your energy potential
  • analysing what a mindset is and how it works
  • developing a right and balanced mindset
  • discussing the algorithm of dealing with pain
  • figuring out what stops you from using your energy potential to the fullest
  • opening your consciousness, realising your uniqueness, and manifesting it into the material and spiritual world
  • learning to live in the moment
  • balancing your physical and energy bodies; renewing energy structures; self-attuning, opening your energy channel, and connecting to energy and information
  • harmonising your space with personal protection devices, the quantum matrices. We will provide a harmoniser for your house and one for your personal protection
Addresses offline

Russia, Moscow, 123557, Presnensky Val 21
Indonesia, Bali, 80571, Tegalantang, Ubud,Jl. Sri Wedari No.66, PARQ
USA, 27th Street, Miami, FL, 3127, WeWork Office Space
Public offer
Should you have any questions, contact me at - razakova.mentor@gmail.com
RazakovA Yana. All rights reserved.